Football league rules must be respected at all times by everyone. Please respect opponents, officials and the game. Play fun and have fun.
Finally, we are really keen to hear from you, so any feedback, questions on football league rules is always welcome. Let us know how we can improve.
1.1 League season lasts for 10-20 (depending on league) weeks
1.2 If two or more teams end up with same points in points table, then team having more Goal Difference (goals scored minus goals against) wins the title. If Goal Differences are also same for those teams, then team having more Goals Scored would win the title. And if Goals Scored are also the same for those teams, then all those teams share the title.
1.3 Teams will receive 3 points for a win, 1 for a draw and zero for a loss. League placing will be decided by points gained, followed by goal difference, followed by goals scored, followed by the aggregate result between the two teams in question.
1.4 Teams are asked to arrive 10-15 minutes prior to scheduled kick off times.
1.5 Teams must be on the pitch and ready to begin the match at the appointed kick-off time. If a team is more than 10 minutes late their opponents may claim a 1 – 0 head start, and at the referees discretion a 5 – 0 win (and deduction of 3 points to the losers).
1.6 Teams may be replaced at any stage of the season. Replacement teams inherit the scores and points of their predecessors. No team joining after the halfway point can be awarded first or second place at the end of the season.
1.7 Teams failing to appear for their designated fixture or not giving notice the day before of cancellation, will have the match awarded to their opponents 5 – 0. Continued absences may result in ejected from the League.
1.8 In the event that a team refuses to play another team the match will be awarded to the other team 5 – 0 and the team refusing to play will be deducted 3 points.
1.9 In the event that a team refuses to complete a match which has already started, the match will be awarded to the other team 5 – 0 and the team refusing to complete the match will be deducted 3 points. If the score at the time produces a goal difference greater than 5 – 0 then that score will stand.
1.10 All fixtures are to be played unless adverse weather conditions make the pitches unplayable. Any decision to cancel a game can only be made by Footy Addicts management team. Postponements are not allowed, except in exceptional circumstances and at the discretion of Footy Addicts management team.
1.11 A fixture list will be issued at the start of each season and will be displayed on the League’s website. All league results will be displayed on the website within 24-48 hours.
2.1 Each team may field 4, 5 or 6 outfield players and a goalkeeper on the pitch at any one time.
2.2 Substitutions are unlimited during the game, can only be made when the ball is dead and only with the referees consent. Outgoing substitutes must leave the field of play before the replacement enters the playing area. The oncoming players are active immediately and can receive the ball. Substitutes must stand outside the pitch perimeter and spectators must not enter the field of play under any circumstances.
2.3 NO screw in studded footwear or blades are permitted to be worn by any player. Only training shoes, moulded soles and astro boots may be worn. All Players must wear shin pads. The wearing of any form of jewellery (including, without limitation, watches) is not permitted during play. Referees may refuse to allow players to play with inappropriate footwear, without shin pads and/or are wearing any form of jewellery.
2.4 The match will consist of two equal halves. The length of half is dependent on the league format.
2.5 The first half will begin with one team taking a centre; the second half will begin with the other team taking a centre. After a goal has been scored the game will be re-started by the team who conceded the goal taking a centre.
2.6 If the ball goes out of play off the goalkeeper, the game will be restarted by the same goalkeeper.
2.7 Players can return the ball to the goal-keeper but goal-keeper cannot use his/her hands on the ball (normal 11 a side rule).
2.8 Professional fouls will be penalized with a penalty and the guilty player may face disciplinary action.
2.9 All free kicks will be direct.
2.10 Opposition players must be at least 1 yard (depending on league format) from where any free-kick is taken. If opposing players do not retreat the required 1 yard the kick may be moved forward 1 yard. If a free kick is awarded on or near the goal area it can be moved up to two meters backwards to allow defenders to be two meters from the ball.
2.11 The Goal keeper must be on the goal line when a penalty is being taken. Players may only take one step whilst taking a penalty.
2.12 These League Rules are not exhaustive and may be added to or amended at any time.
2.13 The referees decision on all on-field matters is final and no discussions will be entered into either on or off the field with him about any decision. The Referees jurisdiction on disciplinary matters will apply until players have entered the changing rooms. Players repeatedly disputing decisions may have further disciplinary action taken against them.
2.14 Teams with a valid complaint against a match official must be put in writing within 48 hours of the match taking place. The complaint should be addressed to Footy Addicts management team who will take the appropriate action necessary.
2.15 A player can only play in one team during one season. If a player plays a game with another team then will have the match awarded to their opponents 5 – 0.